#FindYourMOVE this MOVE Week: Or register your sport or physical activity event
16/05/2022Rachel Payne, ISCA
One week to go until the 11th edition of MOVE Week, our annual event that inspires people to discover new ways to be active! MOVE Agents in 20 countries have registered 285 free sport and physical activity events so far for the week, which runs from 23-29 May. Registration is still open for events of all shapes and sizes.
This year, we’re also inviting individuals and organisations to share videos that inspire people to MOVE! The #MOVEchallenge2022 is a social media contest that's kicking off MOVE Week 2022. All of the contest's participants will become MOVEment Ambassadors and the Top 3 videos will be selected by our international jury to win prizes and be featured as MOVEment Pills (short exercise) videos on the ISCA and NowWeMOVE websites and social media channels.
Find out how to participate in the #MOVEchallenge2022
Find an event or register one here