MOVE Week Start

  • 60 DAYS
  • 10 HOURS
  • 15 MIN
  • 46 SEC
26.05. - 01.06.2025
Promoting physical activity
Become a
Move Agent


MOVE Week is an annual Europe-wide event. It is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign.
38 Countries
2,941 Cities
6,117 MOVE Agents
14,105 MOVE Events
3,444,930 Participants


MOVE Week is an annual global event taking place during the last week of May. It is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign. The objective of MOVE Week is to promote the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity throughout the globe. A wide range of promoters of physical activity (who we call MOVE Agents) coordinate events, including existing and new physical activities, for MOVE Week. MOVE Week is a global event and integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign. MOVE Week takes place in the last week of May each year. This timeframe coincides with the official dates of the European Week of Sport (EWOS) for national events. MOVE Week National Coordinators can therefore choose one week between the official EWOS dates to stage MOVE Week in their countries. MOVE Week and the NowWeMOVE campaign are being coordinated centrally by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). MOVE Week is not financially supported by the European Union.


MOVE Agents are the stars of MOVE Week. They make MOVE Week happen. A MOVE Agent can be a grassroots sport organisation, club, school, university, voluntary group, company, municipality/city or individual who organises a sport and physical activity event for MOVE Week. It is the MOVE Agent's job to choose their event type and location, register it on the portal at, gather the team they need to implement it, promote it in their communities and oversee it when it unfolds on the day(s). A MOVE Agent is a voluntary position, but ISCA and the National Coordinators in each country can give them advice on how to seek funding and support for their events. Toolkits, posters, flyers, banners and other promotional materials are also available to help MOVE Agents plan, gather support for, promote and stage their events. MOVE Agents can simultaneously be part of MOVE Week and the European Week of Sport when they stage their MOVE Week events.


What is the relation between the NowWeMOVE campaign and the European Week of Sport? The NowWeMOVE campaign and its flagship event MOVE Week have been developed and rolled out in since 2012 parallel to the ongoing deliberations on an EU week of sport. ISCA has systematically given its input to these deliberations and has contributed its experience from MOVE Week in this regard. At the Launch Conference on 11 June 2014, Commissioner Vassiliou presented the first concepts for an EU week of sport, following consultations with ISCA and other stakeholders, and ISCA presented the MOVE Week as a very tangible and well-tested concept that should link directly to the proposed week. For the sake of collaboration, we have decided to open the dates of MOVE Week in 2015 to coincide with the first implementation of the European Week of Sport. Having implemented a fully developed concept, based on the earlier editions of MOVE Week, today ISCA can proudly look back on this successful journey of getting people to MOVE since the first edition of the EWoS.

MOVE Week organizer: ISCA

  • "Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union not the granting authority can be held responsible for them"