10th MOVE Week wraps up – but the MOVEment continues!
15/06/2021Maria Malyshkina, ISCA
Summer 2021 started on an active note with the MOVE Week physical events and online movement sessions at the MOVE Week Gym from 31 May-6 June, including the celebration of the new European Mile event on 5 June.
MOVE Week 2021 has wrapped up a week of sport and physical activity, and it’s time to look back at the results of these 7 days of free events aimed at bringing people the joy of movement. With the support of the MOVE Agents and partners across the globe, we managed to get hundreds of thousands of people active.
Wherever possible, traditional offline MOVE Week events were organised – from stretching sessions to full body workouts, from special activities for children, students, elderly or all-inclusive movement sessions. Overall more than 600 events were registered at the website with the biggest amount of activities happening in Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.
In addition, our online MOVE Week Gym hosted 20 sessions with trainers of diverse profiles delivering workout sessions from 13 countries. These daily workouts, streamed on YouTube and Facebook, turned out to be popular among people all over the world: from Costa Rica to Turkey, Russia to Australia, Poland to Brazil. Find all video recordings here.
On 5 June, together with the online and offline MOVE Week events, a joint celebration of the European Mile took place. MOVE Agents held 561 number of events across Europe, and even in Brazil where Sesc broadcast a live session on its channels and held in-person events. The European Mile Live virtual tour of Europe celebrated people moving together with a fun animated sightseeing walk streamed by V4Sport from Poland.
Until now we have collected close to half a million miles to be donated to charitable and social organisations, including the Daily Mile Foundation.
If you haven’t been part of the European Mile yet, you still have the chance to walk, run or roll for your health and contribute to the mile donations, as the European Mile campaign will continue until 31 November.
We say thank you to all the participants of the MOVE Week and the community of NowWeMOVE campaign MOVE Agents for showcasing the benefits of physical activity and helping people find their move. The next big MOVE Week is this September in Latin America where the Semana Muévela takes place in the week of 23 September.
Keep finding your moves!