Ján Holko National coordinator MOVE Week Slovakia

Name: Ján Holko

Country: Slovakia

About me: I became an officer at the age of 15, in order to be able to bring together the junior football team and register it in the district competition. Since then the sport has become a lifelong passion for me. I can say the Slovak Sport for All Association is really mine, because since its establishment in 1990 I have influenced its development. First as an Executive Secretary, recently as a voluntary chairman.

My daily exercise: Stacionary bike.

My vision: ISCA is planning to implement in sport and physical activity more than 100 million Europeans by the year 2020. I am thinking about what to do in our country to make the vision come true,using more intense action.

My MOVE Week story: In Slovakia we organized a campaign similar to MOVE Week since 1992, under the name of Days of Sport. We began in October with one day, then a week, and later on we extended it into several weeks. The Days of Sport became an inspiration for organizing the new events and campaigns, the platform of nationwide sport for all movement. We have succeeded to implement all the Slovak regions. Based on several reasons, we were gradually running out of power, the Slovak Sport for All Association partners have decided to go their own way and we failed to continue with the developing campaign. We quited the Days of Sport last year, forwarding the experience reached into the European campaign of MOVE Week with the confidence, that being supported by ISCA we can enlarge our influence throughout the whole Slovakia again.

Ján Holko National coordinator MOVE Week Slovakia slovakia.moveweek.eu